Dating site

Dating Affiliate Program
Get 100% of the commission


"What do I have to do?"

Step 1...

First you have to have a Clickbank username. Clickbank is an independent third party that manages Online Shopping.

If you don't have a Clickbank username yet then click this special Clickbank link that lets you register FOR FREE ;-)


Step 2...

Link to us with this link:

You have to replace USERNAME by your Clickbank username.

Don't forget to include the doublecross sign # in the link, otherwise you will produce a 404 error.


That is too easy, isn't?


"How does this work? What will I get?"

Here are the details:

Let's say your Clickbank username is johnsmith. You would link to us with this link:

Every surfer who comes from your site through that link AND buys a Clickbank eBook is YOUR surfer. That means we show him the products and you GET 100% OF THE COMMISSION (and we get nothing).

Test it for yourself:

Type in something like "" in your browser and surf around on our site (e.g. go to the Dating Tips section where we feature some eBooks). Everywhere you see Clickbank products they will include the username you used. We will add more and more products, so you are able to earn more and more money!

Why we do this:

  1. We earn money from the non-Clickbank sales
  2. If the surfer comes back again and buys something AFTER 24 hours WE will get the commission. Every commission within the first 24 hours is 100% YOURS.

